Radio Sindhi Founder Receives Sindhu Ratna Award

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Radio Sindhi is an initiative and platform to re-bind our dispersed Sindhi Community which is scattered across the world. With this initiative we would like to make our community aware about our Sindhi Music, Movies, Drama, Culture and Language. Radio Sindhi is an effort to erase the geographical distances which exists between our Creative Artists and Audience.

  • Radio Sindhi starts instantly from browser or App or any streaming client
  • No need to browse through or searching for Sindhi Songs
  • Just press PLAY button and enjoy Sindhi Music, Jokes, Live Interviews, Stories & so much
  • 24/7 un-interrupted Non Stop Sindhi Broadcast, because Sindhis are all over the world
  • Listen to famous Songs for free and buy these CDs to support Sindhi Music Industry
  • Support leading tools like Winamp, Windows Media Player, Realplayer and Apple iTunes
  • Radio Sindhi works from any Mobile Devices, Tablet, laptop or Smart TV.
  • Availability across the Globe ( We already have listeners in more than 100 countries)

994 thoughts on “

  1. Dr Dilip Kumar Nathani says:

    हिअ डाढी सुठी गा​िल्ह आहे त तव्हाँ झूलेलाल सांईअ जो वाधारो करे रहिया आहियो। असांजो इष्टदेव जे रूप में पर असांजी कुल देवी ‘हिंगलाज माता’ जे बारे में बु कुछ बुधायो त मेहरबानी थिंदी
    डॉ. दिलीप कुमार नाथाणी विद्यावाचस्पति

  2. Nitesh Achhra says:

    Jai Jhulelal

    Can we also play Bhajans of all Saiji’s of Puj Sai Vasanshah Darbar.

  3. Shyam Ahuja says:

    very good

  4. ma note kayo ahe ta vilayat me rahan vara sindhi sab sindhiya me galhantha (sabhni khe shabash) .par asa hite hind me hindi ya english me tha galhayu (ghano kare)sabhni khe vinati aahe ta sabh pan me sindhiya me galhayo .sindhi boli ae sindhyat khe zindo rakho.pahanji matra bhasha ji seva kayoo.jai jhoolelal .jai sindhi. jai sindhyat.

  5. Ashokdaryanani says:

    if you are sindhi then speak in sindhi with sindhis.keep our mithri pyari boli alive. jiye sindh sadai

  6. HEERA MOTWANI says:

    इहो बुधि ख़ुशी थी त अंसांजो रेडिओ चालू थी वयो आहे। मां हिकु पत्रकार आहयां जे समाचार बि  शुरू थियन त डाढ़ी ख़ुशी थींदी।  

  7. Ashok Daryanani says:

    all is beutiful and nice this radio is great i love sindhi boli i love sindhis

  8. Very nice video quality and overall chat.

  9. Saranjit Singh says:

    I love Sindhi language it is very sweet can you kindly write me from where I can learn Sindhi language.

  10. Kunal Lalvani says:

    I am searching for Sukhmani from 13 onwards with lyrics as posted on Youtube.

    I am not able to get anything after 12. I would be thankful if you can please send the link for remaining Sukhmani of Smt Bhagwanti Navani soonest, I need to complete Sukhmani please.


  11. thanks to all management and arrangement of radio sindhi I have heard the love voice of Bhagat Ghanshyam after long long time

  12. Dharmendra Bhagwandas Jethani says:

    Hi Good morning
    Thank you very much for Radio Sindhi 24/7, i have sent your link to all Sindhi residing in Lanzarote (Spain)
    We have a Sindhi community here and we have about 800 members, our community is calle HCL (Hindu Community Lanzarote)
    I can send you our logo to be posted on your page if you allow.
    Wish you all best of luck and we all appreciate your hard work and efforts for Sindhi Coomunity.

  13. Manohar kumar says:

    very nice efforts to promote sindhi language all over over world

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